Putting Your Garden to Bed
Make sure you wrap your trees. All deciduous trees should be wrapped from the soil surface to the first branch each fall (approximately November 1). Secure wrapping with masking tape or stretch-tie. Do not use electrical tape or string. Deciduous trees should be wrapped for the first four to five years after planting.
Cut Back Perennials
It can be tough to decide when to cut back your perennials, the fall or in the spring? It really doesn’t matter for the overall health of the plant, it mainly comes down to how they look thru the winter and the benefits that each variety can provide to the landscape. For example, Sedum and most all ornamental grasses are typically cut back in the spring due to the winter effect they provide. A heavy, wet snow can take this all away, but typical winters allow for a beautiful display from most all ornamental grasses and Sedum.
Phlox, Daylilies, Bee Balm and Blanketflower are just a few that would typically be cut back in the fall. After these are finished blooming the foliage can severely dry up and look very messy, and cutting these to the ground can get you a head start on the garden for the next spring. Although perennials such as Coneflowers and Black Eyed Susan’s provide seeds for birds so you may decide to wait until spring to cut these back. The main goal is to cut them back to allow for the new growth to come through, whatever time of year you choose.
Winterize Your Irrigation System
Winterization Procedures:
- Close the main supply.
- Connect air compressor to the service tee located on the vacuum breaker.
- Turn controller to station #1 and start compressor.
- Force air through station #1 until all water has been blown out. Continue process through stations #2, #3, etc., until all stations have been blown out completely.
- Open all drain valves and petcock on the vacuum breaker.
- Turn off controller, but allow to run so that lubricants stay on clock motors, if it is a mechanical controller.
- While your system can be drained without blowing it out, we recommend blowing it out with compressed air. This removes all water and relieves the stress that ice causes in our harsh climate.
If you would like to schedule a sprinkler blow out, please schedule this work by calling our office at (970) 226-2296.