Lots of snow has fallen by now, meaning winter is in full swing here on the front range. Hopefully you aerated and fertilized earlier this fall. Now, there’s just a few things to do throughout the winter to make sure your lawn grows back just as lush and full come springtime.
Keep it Clean: Raking leaves is important for the health of your grass. Leaves left on the lawn and then covered in snow are a breeding ground for mold and diseases. They can also suffocate your grass, so be sure to either mulch the leaves with the lawnmower or remove them completely.
Keep Off: Your grass is dormant during the wintertime. Walking on it or forgetting to put outdoor furniture back inside can weaken the lawn in those areas. To make sure your grass comes back full, take everything off during the winter and avoid walking on it if possible.
Salting & Shoveling: Salt helps to lower the freezing point of water. For this reason, your walkways could still be icy even after salting them. Your best bet is to shovel first and then apply salt. Shovel by layers after a big storm (rather than scooping heavy amounts of snow) to make the process easier on your body and shovel. After shoveling, use a calcium magnesium acetate spread evenly over the area. Take care not to heap on too much, as excess salt can cause damage to your yard after the snow melts.
Watering Trees: Your trees need water throughout the winter! However, only water when the temperature is above freezing and there isn’t snow on the ground. The key is to allow the trees time to absorb the water and for the water to seep deep into the earth. Water slowly and deeply so it reaches at least 12” below the soil surface. For evergreens, water 3-5 feet beyond the dripline on all sides of the tree. The objective is to water slowly, dispersing the flow of water to get the water deep down to the tree’s roots. Watering for short periods of time only encourages shallow rooting which can lead to more drought damage. Don’t dig holes in the ground in an effort to water deeply; this only dries out roots even more. A soil needle/deep root feeder attached to a hose is acceptable to insert into the ground if your soil is not too hard and compact. Overhead spraying of tree leaves is inefficient and should be avoided.
If you have questions about how to care for your yard this winter, please ask us! If you need some assistance in maintaining your yard, our landscapers are here to help.