Winterization is the single most important operation for the continued success of your water feature. Here are some tips to ensure it is done properly!
Try to remove leaves and dead foliage in the fall. Remember that if you have an automatic fill valve it will not work in the winter as the irrigation system is not in operation.
Pondless water features: make sure the reservoir is completely full and shut off or unplug the pump. Do not remove the pump as this will cause the gaskets and seals to dry out. If the pump is removed, it should be stored in a bucket of water to prevent damage. Pondless features are typically NOT designed to be operated in the winter. As soon as your sprinkler system is shut off, consider shutting down your feature as well to avoid damage.
If your water feature has a pond you can do one of two things:
- Unplug or turn the pump off but keep the pond full. If you have fish never allow your feature to totally freeze over as gases will not be able to escape the water. A small opening in the ice can serve as a temporary fix or use a pond heater or an aerator.
2. Leave your pond system operational. In all but the coldest weather, waterfalls and pumps will work just fine. Remember to continue to add water to your water feature as evaporation continues during the winter months. As ice builds up you lose that amount of water until it thaws again. In below-zero weather be sure to watch your waterfall for ice jams. Ice jams can change the course of the water and empty a pond. Do not break the ice as the shock waves will kill your fish and could cause leaks in your water feature.
We want to be your resource for all landscaping needs! Give us a call for questions on preparing your landscape for the winter season!